Alliance for Peacebuilding

The Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) is a membership network of over 100 organizations. Their members include some of the world’s largest development organizations, most innovative academic institutions, and the most powerful peacebuilding groups. We bring together coalitions in key areas of strategy and policy to elevate the entire peacebuilding field, tackling issues too large for any one organization to address alone.

Batyr - 'Giving a voice to the elephant in the room.' Preventative mental health education for young people. Department of Peace Initiative

The Canadian Peace Initiative - Energizing Canada's Role as a Global Peacebuilder
http://www.departmentofpeace.caCenter for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education

Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education - Promoting compassion and altruism through rigorous scientific research, outreach, and education.
http://ccare.stanford.eduCharter for Compassion

The Charter for Compassion holds a vision of a world where everyone is committed to living by a principle of compassion.
http://www.charterforcompassion.orgChildren of the Earth

We, the Children of the Earth, foster spirituality in the form of Conscious Leadership. We Reflect, Connect and Act in order to create an Optimal Future for All.
http://www.coeworld.orgCompassionate Action Network

The Compassionate Action Network (CAN) is a network of self-organizing groups who share a common vision for a compassionate world.
http://www.compassionateactionnetwork.comEvolutionary Collective

Evolutionary Collective - Experience Mutual Awakening inside the Evolutionary Collective’s accelerated relational field and achieve your highest potential through an intersubjective field of intimacy, truth and mutuality. Worlds International Institute

Four Worlds International Institute - The Fourth Way transcends assimilation, resignation, and conflict by building partnerships with all nations and peoples. Project

The Gaiafield Project weaves a global network of subtle activists for social and planetary transformation.
http://www.gaiafield.netGlobal Coherence Initiative

The Global Coherence Initiative is a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace.
http://www.glcoherence.orgGlobal Peace Initiative of Women

The Global Peace Initiative of Women (GPIW) fuses the Universal Essence of the World’s Spiritual & Faith Traditions and the Voice and Wisdom of the Feminine Model to advance World Peace and Social Transformation.
http://www.gpiw.orgInstitute of Noetic Sciences

Institute of Noetic Sciences - The Science of What Connects Us the Presence

Invoke the Presence - Anette Carlstrom, modern day Mystic, referred to as "Sweden's answer to the Dalai Lama", is an inspiration for global transformation into Oneness consciousness. Through the phenomenon of the Oneness Blessings, these illumined, energetic transmissions awaken, ignite and activate the brain as a shift in consciousness deeply roots so one lives authentically from the fullest expression of their Essential Divine Self.
http://www.invokethepresence.comJust Vision
Life Camp

LIFE Camp is a Not-for-Profit 501c3 founded in 2002 in South Jamaica, Queens. Their mission is to develop teens and young adults into peer leaders, as we provide positive alternatives to violence and other forms of anti-social behavior. LIFE also builds partnerships between community and faith based organizations, public & private sectors as well as individual stake holders to develop holistic responses to the youth violence and negative behavior that impacts all of our communities. And the vision is to provide young people with the tools and resources that promote critical thinking, self-empowerment and personal accountability. LIFE will also create a model for reducing violence that will provide stake holders with the necessary skills and resources to effectively implement a positive change within their own communities Association

Lorian Association - Shaping a practice of spirituality that partners with a living Universe.
http://www.Lorian.orgNational Peace Academy

The National Peace Academy supports, advances and nurtures cultures of peace by conducting research and facilitating learning toward the development of peace systems - local to global - and the development of the full spectrum of the peacebuilder - inner and outer, personal and professional. In all its operations, internal and external, the National Peace Academy strives to embody and reflect the principles and processes of peace.
http://www.nationalpeaceacademy.usPathways to Peace

Pathways To Peace (PTP) is an international PeaceBuilding, Educational and Consulting organization. "Peace", as it is defined by Pathways To Peace, is both an innate state of being and a dynamic, evolutionary process. Peace begins with ourselves, living in harmony with one another, the Earth and all Circles of Life. McCollum Foundation
Peace X Peace

Peace X Peace lifts and multiplies women's voices, strengthens women's capacity to connect across divides, promotes leadership and gender equity, and nurtures our global network of peacebuilders in 120 countries.
http://www.peacexpeace.orgPraxis Peace Institute

Praxis Peace Institute is a non-profit, peace-education organization dedicated to deep inquiry, constructive dialogue, creative problem solving, and informed civic participation Foundation

The Rasur Foundation is implimenting a Ministry for Peace that collaborates with a national Academy for Peace, which trains peace teachers in schools to teach the practice of BePeace in their community. Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding

River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding - It is time we make Peacebuilding a Coordinated Community Effort!
http://www.centerforpeacebuilding.orgSearch For Common Ground

TakingITGlobal (TIG) is an international organization, led by youth, and empowered by technology. TIG brings together young people (aged 13-31) in over 200 countries and territories within international networks to connect to opportunities, and collaborate on concrete projects - addressing global problems and creating positive change. Chi Center

The Chi Center is dedicated to empower and enable you to embody energy wisdom for health, healing, and happiness. Our vision, “Healing Ourselves and Healing Our World”, has brought this loving community together. Now, you can join us - Live Classes: Local and Online to Access Anytime and Anywhere.
http://www.chicenter.comThe Peace Alliance

The Peace Alliance empowers civic engagement toward a culture of peace. We are a grassroots alliance of organizers and advocates throughout the United States taking the work of peacebuilding from the margins of society into the centers of national discourse and policy priorities. Foundation/The Times Group

UNIFY's mission is support the movement of Global Unification by catalyzing and supporting Global Synchronized Events.
http://www.unify.orgUnited Religions Initiative

URI is the world’s largest grassroots interfaith network. We cultivate peace and justice by engaging people to bridge religious and cultural differences and work together for the good of their communities and the world. of Colorado's Conflict Information Consortium
We, the World

We, The World is a Global Collaboration for a Livable Future. We promote solutions for a world that works for all. Our programs and events are designed to Inspire, Inform and Involve increasing numbers of people in the growing global movement that has the transformative consciousness of peace and service to people and the planet at its core. We, The World produces .11 Days of Global Unity, and the We Campaign.
http://www.WE.netWorld Peace Prayer Society

At World Peace Prayer Society, our mission is simple. To spread the Universal Peace Message and Prayer, May Peace Prevail On Earth, far and wide to embrace the lands and people of this Earth