Broad topics
Science & Technology
Community Peacebuilding
PeaceWeek 2011
Michael Furdyk
Technology and Peace Empowering Youth
Community Peacebuilding
Inspiring Positive Social Change 2017
Nathan Schwartz-Salant, PhD
The Order Disorder Paradox
Emerging Peace Story
Summer of Peace 2012
Ervin Laszlo
The Akasha - a New Worldview for Living in a New Age
Family & Inter-Personal Peacebuilding
Summer of Peace 2012
Marc Barasch
The Compassionate Life
Family & Inter-Personal Peacebuilding
Summer of Peace 2012
Emiliana Simon-Thomas
The Science of Interpersonal Peace
Family & Inter-Personal Peacebuilding
Inspiring Positive Social Change 2017
Sabrina N'Diaye, Ph.D.
Rewiring the Brain for Peace Therapy and individual wellbeing as peacebuilding
Inner Peace
Summer of Peace 2015
Rick Hanson
Positive Neuroplasticity The New Brain Science of Lasting Inner Peace
Inner Peace
Summer of Peace 2012
Paul J. Zak
The Moral Molecule
Inner Peace
Summer of Peace 2012
Sarina Rodrigues Saturn
The Biology Underlying Positive and Negative Emotions Implications for Cultivating Peace
International Peacebuilding
PeaceWeek 2011
Daniel Goleman
The Path to Peace Through Social and Emotional Intelligence
International Peacebuilding
Inspiring Positive Social Change 2017
Cassandra Vieten, PhD
The Science of What Connects Us
International Peacebuilding
Inspiring Positive Social Change 2017
Melanie Greenberg, BĂ©atrice Pouligny, PhD
Rewiring the Brain for Peace Bridging neuroscience spirituality and peacebuilding
International Peacebuilding
Summer of Peace 2012
John Horgan
How We Can End War
International Peacebuilding
Inspiring Positive Social Change 2017
Jeremy Richman, PhD., Dara Ghahremani, Ph.D.
Rewiring the Brain for Peace Two neuroscientists journeys developing research in support of peacebuilding
International Peacebuilding
Inspiring Positive Social Change 2017
Dr. Donna Hicks
Dignity Its essential role in resolving conflict
International Peacebuilding
Summer of Peace 2014
Deborah Rozman, Claudia Welss
The Global Coherence Initiative and the Global Care Rooms
International Peacebuilding
Inspiring Positive Social Change 2017
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Mystics and Scientists The convergence of science and spirituality