Mystics and Scientists The convergence of science and spirituality
We're honored to present this VIDEO recording from the Technology, Consciousness & the Future gathering in March 2015 โ hosted by the Contemplative Alliance, a program of the Global Peace Initiative of Women.
Sufi teacher and author Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee opened this dialogue by sharing insights from his experience of the inner dimension "Plane of the Self" โ a state of consciousness where everything is connected by light and everything is made of pure light. On this plane, there is no time... no past and no future. Everything is present. While in this state, Llewellyn saw how the internet has the ability to come alive as a network of human consciousness โ where people can experience the Plane of the Self without spending years in meditation. The internet has not reached this state yet. In order to access these technologies, people must have the right consciousness.
During this mind-blowing video recording, you'll discover:
- That when we hold the core values of inclusivity and being of service to humanity, our consciousness can be aligned with these technologies & receive them as gifts from the inner world
- How there is a dangerous dark side in the use of technology
- Spiritual practices that teach us how to acknowledge & transform the darkness
Click here to view the video presentation.
The video can then be downloaded by clicking through on the "Vimeo" link, and the transcript viewed by clicking through on the "Transcript" link.
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee Ph.D. is a Sufi teacher in the Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya Sufi Order. Born in London in 1953, he has followed the Naqshbandi Sufi path since he was nineteen. In 1991 he became the successor of Irina Tweedie, author of Daughter of Fire: A Diary of a Spiritual Training with a Sufi Master. He then moved to Northern California and founded The Golden Sufi Center ( Author of several books, he has specialized in the area of dreamwork, integrating the ancient Sufi approach to dreams with the insights of Jungian Psychology. Since 2000 the focus of his writing and teaching has been on spiritual responsibility in our present time of transition, and an awakening global consciousness of oneness. More recently he has written about the feminine, the Anima Mundi (world soul), and Spiritual Ecology ( & He has been recently interviewed by Oprah Winfrey on Super Soul Sunday, and featured on the Global Spirit Series shown on PBS.