Watts Possible Aligning with Ones Destiny Forces
PeaceWeek 2011 > Community Peacebuilding > Healing Cultural Wounds
Broadcast on September 19, 2011
With Aqeela Sherrills & Belvie Rooks
Belvie Rooks
THE ENSLAVED & THE ENSLAVER: Re-envisioning new possibilities
PLEASE SEE: the "Spring of Sustainability...Greening the Mind-Heart-Body panel bio since it was tweaked and updated.
Across the Divides of Race and Difference What Would Healing Look Like
Summer of Peace 2012 > International Peacebuilding & Global Citizenship > Healing Cultural Wounds
Broadcast on August 21, 2012
With Belvie Rooks & Thomas N. DeWolf
Belvie Rooks
THE ENSLAVED & THE ENSLAVER: Re-envisioning new possibilities
PLEASE SEE: the "Spring of Sustainability...Greening the Mind-Heart-Body panel bio since it was tweaked and updated.