Indigenous Spiritual Teachings for Building a Peaceful and Harmonious World

Summer of Peace 2013 > Planetary Peace > Indigenous Wisdom
Broadcast on July 02, 2013
With Faith Spotted Eagle & Chief Darrell Bob & Sun Dance Chief Rueben George

Chief Darrell Bob

Leader, Spiritual and Indigenous Teacher, Member of the Xaxli'p Community in British Columbia

Chief Darrell Bob, of the Xaxli'p Community, St'at'ime Nation, Lilooet, BC. Chief Darrell feels fortunate to have been raised by his grandparents on a small farm in Lilooet, BC with the teachings of the Old Ones and their language and knowledge of their way of life. They had no electricity and everything was done by hand with a very small tractor which they also used for transportation at the best of times. They had five gardens and many fruit trees and hay on their lands. This kept his family busy year around as they stored their fish for winter with his grandfather catching no less than 700 fish in a summer.

In 2006 Chief Darrell became a leader of his community where he received his most significant teachings about the importance of the lands of his people.  He was taught to look at the whole territory when he made a decision and not just the narrow scope of an initiative. The Elders always reminded him that what you do to one you do to all which includes our Mother Earth! "Being stewards of the land, it is our responsibility to look after Her and nurture Her to the best of our ability so that She can continue to provide for us!"

In 2009 Chief Darrell, honoring a profound vision helped initiate the International Indigenous Leadership Gathering in Lilooet, BC. He has continued this gathering of indigenous spiritual leaders, Elders, healers and educators sharing their Sacred Teachings and Traditional ways with natives and nonnatives alike. Each year this gathering has doubled in attendance reaching 2,500 people this year and planning on many more next year.

In 2010 thru 2011, Chief Darrell has also continued his leadership role at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Roundtables supporting Ancient Indigenous Knowledge. With his deep connections to Mother Earth, humbly sharing traditional ways thru song, drumming and leading ceremonial sweat lodges, he has touched the hearts and spirits of many
