Voices from Cambodia

Youth Rising for Peace 2012 > Community Peacebuilding > Healing Cultural Wounds
Broadcast on February 11, 2012
With Sin Putheary & Long Khet

Sin Putheary

Project Officer at Youth For Peace Organisation

Ms. Sin Putheary holds BA in Education and another one in Media and Communication at Royal University of Phnom Penh. Since 2008 up to present, she is working for the Youth For Peace Organisation (YFP) in Phnom Penh. She is the project officer who is in charge of YFP publication and radio program. Her theme of work mainly focuses on the atrocity of Khmer Rouge topics. She has studied the Applied Conflict Transformation Studies Masters course since 2009. She expects that the course would provide her opportunity to explore more about conflict transformation theory and implement those practical lessons in her work. She is planning to develop her thesis on “The root causes of violence that contributes to the mass killing in Cambodia during the 1970s.”
