Non-Violence Friday Challenging the Military-Industrial Complex - Nonviolence Today

Summer of Peace 2012 > Community Peacebuilding > Nonviolence
Broadcast on July 06, 2012
With Tal Palter-Palman & Kathy Kelly

Tal Palter-Palman

Tal Palter-Palman, M.A., History, San Francisco State University, teaches peace and women history courses and U.S. and Middle East history at Berkeley City College in California. She was born and raised in a small village in Israel. Tal focuses on social movements and nonviolence, and she has been involved in the peace movement in Israel and Palestine. She serves on the board of directors of METTA Center in Berkeley, a nationally-recognized center for nonviolent education. Contact Information Email:

Kathy Kelly

Kelly has been a war tax refuser since 1990. Her efforts to practice nonviolence include persistent nonviolent civil disobedience projects, She has spent over one year in prison for resisiting war and weapons.
Kathy Kelly co-coordinates Voices for Creative Nonviolence and was a co-founder of Voices in the Wilderness. Both campaigns aim to end U.S. military and economic violence. Kelly has traveled to Afghanistan seven times in the past three years, living with and learning from Afghan Peace Volunteers located in a working class neighborhood of Kabul. She and her companions have lived alongside ordinary people trapped in war zones, including Iraq, Gaza, and Lebanon.