Can We Abolish Nuclear Weapons Before We Abolish War

Broadcast on August 06, 2013
With David Culp & Tad Daley, JD, PhD

David Culp

Legislative Representative
David has 15 years experience on nuclear arms control and disarmament legislation. He was instrumental in the passage of the nuclear testing moratorium in 1992; the ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention in 1997; and the defeat of a new nuclear warhead, or nuclear "bunker buster" in 2004. Previously he was a lobbyist at the Indiana legislature for a statewide citizens group, successfully opposing two nuclear power plants. He is one of six registered lobbyists on nuclear disarmament on Capitol Hill.

Tad Daley, JD, PhD

Director, Abolishing War Project, Center for War/Peace Studies

Tad Daley, J.D., Ph.D., is the author of APOCALYPSE NEVER: Forging the Path to a Nuclear Weapon-Free World, now available from Rutgers University Press. He currently heads the Abolishing War program of the Center for War/Peace Studies. Prior to that, he acted as a Writing Fellow with International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, the 1985 Nobel Peace Laureate organization. He was educated at Knox College, the University of Illinois, the University of Southampton in England, the RAND/UCLA Center for Soviet Studies and the RAND Graduate School of Policy Studies. He spent several years as a member of the International Policy Department at RAND, where many of the nuclear theories of the Cold War era originally were forged. He has served as a speechwriter and policy advisor to Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Congresswoman Diane Watson, and the late Senator Alan Cranston — and once ran for U.S. Congress himself to represent mid-city Los Angeles. 

Tad Daley has written for the International Herald Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, USA TODAY, the Christian Science Monitor, the Miami Herald, thePhiladelphia Inquirer, the Baltimore Sun, The Forward (national Jewish newspaper), LA City Beat, the LA Jewish Journal, The Tidings (Southern California’s Catholic newspaper), the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, theUnited Nations Chronicle, the Foreign Service Journal, the Humanist, theFuturist, Tikkun, and quite frequently in the blogosphere at,,,, and
