Campaign Nonviolence National Conference - Panel Discussion Working to End War Poverty and Environmental Destruction Building a New Culture of Peace and Nonviolence

Summer of Peace 2015 > Community Peacebuilding > Nonviolence
Broadcast on August 08, 2015
With Rev. James Lawson & Kathy Kelly & Medea Benjamin & Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr. & Sister Joan Brown

Kathy Kelly shares haunting stories of her visits to Afghanistan and the work of resolving to abolition war. Medea Benjamin, Code Pink, connects police brutality, the militarization of the police, the wars overseas, and the employment of veterans suffering from PTSD in our police department. Sister Joan Brown follows with a heartfelt description of climate change and the ensuing political, social, economic, and environmental pressures as a crisis of the soul. Lastly, Rev James Lawson speaks on the United States as an empire and the importance of creating a culture that is not upside down … but upside right! The Q & A contains many questions for the panelists on a broad range of topics.

Sister Joan Brown

A Catholic Franciscan Sister

Joan Brown is a Catholic Franciscan sister from the Rochester, Minnesota community who serves as the Executive Director of New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light. Her farm background, passion for the Sacred Earth Community and many years of experience in the non-profit and social justice sector inform her work.  She holds a Master’s Degree from California Institute of Integral Studies where she studied with Brian Swimme, Joanna Macy and others. Fr. Thomas Berry and Teilhard de Chardin inspire her work for the long haul in helping people come to a sense of wonder at the marvelous world we have been given and are called to take care of for the future of all beings.
