Restorative Justice Celebrating true peace and justice Chilichuu ye ilwechis How is your heart

Broadcast on July 04, 2013
With J.D. Williams & Carolyn Slyter

Carolyn Slyter

Tribal Elder with Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians

Carolyn Slyter is a Tribal Elder with Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians.  Carolyn was one of the persons instrumental in getting the Tribes restored to Federal recognition.  She served many years on Tribal Council after the Restoration, guiding the Tribes through its developmental stages.  She has served on the Education, Elders, Culture, Child Protective Services and Heath Committees.  Currently, Carolyn serves on the enrollment committee for the Tribes.  She was one of the first persons to be sworn in as a Peacegiver for Peacegiving Court in 2005, and still serves the Peacegiving Court as a Peacegiver and mentor for Tribal families.
